Kalashnikov. According to many experts, the Kalashnikov is the benchmark of reliability and ease of maintenance for firearms. The brand is truly global; probably every person in every country knows it. It is estimated that Kalashnikov and its modifications take about 20% share of all firearms in the world. Some may say that the Kalashnikov is not very good for the world, but you know what? Shoot them all!!!
Irkutskaya Mineral Water. Probably, the most unknown brand in this list; however, the company is well known in Eastern Siberia region. It is the largest company in the region producing drinking nonalcoholic products. Their water is really clean and tasty )
Wimm-Bill-Dann. Actually, no one knows what the hell Wimm-Bill-Dann means. However, this fact is not the obstacle for the company to be the market leader in dairy products and baby food in Russia and one of the leading players in the market of soft drinks in Russia and CIS. If you have been in any Russian store you surely saw its products: "Little House in the village" (Domic v derevne), "Miracle" (Chudo), "Merry Milkman" (Veseliy Molochnik), the most famous Russian juice brand - "J7", and many others tasty things.
Thank you for your participation in making Horse as hero... we had a fun :))) together we have made a brand "HERoes" :))) What is the next? :))) ....we will see ... :)
It was great experience , during that project we explored Russian brands, someone was quite well-known , and some others were very interesting and surprising , for instance Irkutskaya Mineral Water (Clean and tasty :D seems like a slogan ;) )
leave your opinion ... what will be next ? )
Great video!!!! my opinion ,the best Russian brand should be "Elki palki", because it produces closer to original Russian cuisine , or good example is "Teremok" that very famose among international tourists.
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